She's cute isn't she? She is the friend you call when you can't decide between the skirt with black stripes or blue. She is the kind of friend you call when your reading this insane article about bed bugs and your so itchy you need someone to talk you out of it. She is the kind of friend you call when you say something stupid to your boyfriend but apologizing is just so gosh darn hard sometimes! ha! She is my best friend and how I love her so.
Okay, now this is Pat.
He is Lauren's boyfriend and a friend o' mine for sure. Once, right at the very beginning of Lauren and Pats relationship, Pat and I went out for breakfast to kill some time while Lauren was teaching. Basically the entire time he talked about Lauren this! and Lauren that! but I was so distracted by the GIANT OMELETTE he was eating that I didn't hear a word. He is a man after my own stomach and a really great guy.
Pat got some extra tickets to the Bridgeport, CT Bluefish game--a minor league baseball team. He had some box seats (fancy!) and so Lauren, Pat and I went to check out the game. It was a really nice day and not too crowded at the game and best of all, it was totally different. It felt great to be doing something I haven't ever done before and even though it wasn't the Red Sox v. Yankees it felt just as fun!
And, even though it was only 1:00pm--the beer selection was just too tempting.
Pat got his hands on a foul ball and ran to grab an autograph. He scurried from our box seats, down the stairs, through the stadium and over to where the players were standing around. He managed to get there before a group of kids and he snagged an autograph. He was pretty proud of himself and it is surely an item he will treasure.
We had a great time and I'm hoping that there will be more day trips to come this summer because getting out of the city, out of the routine, out of the crazy--felt really good.
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