People, I am heading to San Fransisco on today. A little sight seeing, relaxing and hopefully some sun will greet me when I get there. The next two weeks are chock full of airplanes and I'm pretty excited.
Cliff Bars are where its at. I eat one about an hour before I run or workout and I'm ready to go. They are super natural and also have a ton of protein and fiber aka energy. For a girl like me, who needs to snack and eat every few hours in order to function in this world, Cliff Bars are my new best friend.
Quick screen shot of an awesome website 'Stereomood' which basically lets you plug in how you are feeling and a playlist is generated according to your mood. Currently, I am studying about neural synapses and muscle tissue aka the 'feel like crying' playlist is blasting. Check it out, no matter your mood.
My friend Truong is in the Peace Corps, serving in Indonesia, he is teaching his class english and using music as a tool! This beautiful rendition of Not With Me, originally performed by an Indonesian pop sensation Bondan Prakoso, is really sweet. I submitted it to the Cover Song Archive, my latest obsession, because I wanted to share! Thanks Truong for all your hard work.