April 29, 2010

Marina Abramovic

Have you been to the MOMA lately? Oh wait--do you even live in NYC? Okay, so if you live in NYC and you have some free time this weekend you should head to this exhibit at the MOMA.

This is the artist.

(via MoMA)

I won't say too much about the actual exhibit and all that comes with it except its pretty wild. Very interesting to watch and the hype around it has gotten huge. James filled me in on a Tumblr created about the visitors to this exhibit and just much of an 'experience' it actually is.

If I wasn't at work right now I'd upload a few of my pictures that I took when I was there, but alas I am at work. I am feeling a bit behind on my updates and posts and everything and I'm travelling home to visit with family for the weekend BUT next week--we shall meet again.

April 22, 2010

Spring Cleaning

I'm trying to clean up my room and reorganize a bit! Why, you might ask? Well! My (soon to be world famous) brother is living with me for three weeks in May. He is a musical theatre major at the Hartt Conservatory in Connecticut but because he is so fancy pants all the time he got cast in Equus starring Alec Baldwin in the Hamptons for the summer! Needless to say, he needs a place to stay for a few weeks and that place is my apartment.

I'm trying to do a little spring cleaning, organizing and perhaps a little decorating before he arrives and I came across this sweet little print.

(via Eva Juliet)

Love this print for the kitchen and would probably make a great gift for any foodie!

I'm hoping that with all the space cleared out and my winter clothes put away I can use my new found space for the desk I have been meaning to purchase. Hopefully updates will happen soon!

April 21, 2010

Sharon Montrose

I have spied these prints on blogs for a while and I love them. I keep coming back to look at them again and again.

I know--baby animals, of course they are cute but really these prints are both cute and a little bit grown up. I'd love to hang one (or even a group!) around my apartment somewhere. Which one is your fav? Check out her Etsy shop for a full view of all her prints--I'm sure your favorite animal is in there somewhere.

(via Etsy)

April 19, 2010

Round Up: Shoes

Do you like shoes?

I have to say--I like shoes but I really don't own many. Better yet, maybe I own a few pairs but I wear the same ones over and over. Especially when it comes to work shoes, it seems like I wear the same pair everyday.

However, I love these pairs below. I wish they were mine.

(via Marais USA)

(via Marais USA)

(via J Crew)

April 18, 2010

Perfect Packaging

Is it sad that pretty packaging is sometimes a reason that I am drawn toward a product? Should I start comparing prices more often that box covers? Probably. I mean, I'm not saying that I always buy the prettiest item on the shelf but sometimes it is so hard to resist well put together marketing.

Look at these.

Individually packaged medicine boxes that look sleek and would sit nicely in my bathroom? CHECK.

Cool item, awesome website, easy on the eyes--count me in. I am a sucker for pretty.

April 15, 2010


I think I mentioned briefly about how I had the opportunity to take care of a sweet little babe last year in CT. I had a few months to spare after school was over and luckily I found this perfect family that lived in the woods that needed someone to take care of their little girl. She was around 7 or 8 months old when I started, just a pudgy little ball of love, and by the time I left she was over a year old and almost running around the house.

She is, by all accounts, a seriously gorgeous child. She is about to have a brother, in the next few weeks, and I'm while I'm headed back to CT for the weekend to visit with friends--you better bet that Fiona is on my list of people to see.

Her mom Amy Jean Porter, an artist, had their house in the woods decked out with art and the whole place was constantly filled with creativity. It was totally inspiring. It was a perfect place for me and I loved every minute there. I miss spending time with Fiona and although I'm sure she'll be a shy girl when I visit, it will be great to see her.

I've included a few illustrations from Amy Jean Porter that I love.

(via Amy Jean Porter)

April 14, 2010


Tomorrow, I am buying this camera.

(via Nikon)

Oh man. I am both totally excited (because I have been WANTING a camera for so long but haven't just bitten the bullet) AND sad (to see my savings account take a hit) but with the combination of sheer excitement and a gift card saved from Christmas! I am getting my hands on one of these tomorrow.

It is my hope that the pictures on this blog will improve and I'll be able to start creating a little documentation of my life now. We shall see!

April 11, 2010

Saturday Adventure

I'm from Boston (have I mentioned that?) I haven't lived in NY all my life--so the Bronx Zoo wasn't a standard Saturday adventure for my family. But, James felt like I was totally missing out on a great NYC sight so we headed out on Saturday morning to see what kind of wild life we could find.

James had his camera and although we were faced with wild animals (see below) he took more photos of the people watching the animals--a much more interesting concept for him. He was in charge of the map all day and guided us right along. I have to give him credit, this date was his idea and it was perfect.

Not only was it a beautiful day but we had the best time. Have you been there? It is really well kept and there is so much to see. We made our way through just about every single exhibit and strolled right along with the hundreds of kids that were roaming the park with us.

James and I had to laugh as at every exhibit there was a mom just rambling off information about that particular species of monkey or snake to her little boy. We couldn't tell if they were making it up or had read too many books about animals at bed time. Either way--there were A LOT of experts there yesterday.

We walked around for about four hours and took it all in. We knew it was time to head out as the toddler whines and cries started to get louder and louder throughout the park, signaling dinner time for everyone.

All in all, a perfect Saturday at the Zoo.

April 9, 2010

Fitting In

This guy just wants to be a part of the gang. Who can blame him? HA!

(via Cup of Jo)


I'm using this illustration I stumbled upon today as words to live by for the weekend. There are some decisions that need to be made in my life. James and I need to plan our upcoming vacation, I need to think about classes for the fall and I need to decide upon a desk for my room. I'm tired already.

(via swissmiss)

Hopefully I'll be able to report back on Sunday with a few final answers!

April 8, 2010

Dog O' Mania

I came across this Tumblr today via For Me-For You via Twitter and I mean--WHAT! These are all of my favorite kind of dogs snapped candidly and I died with each click.

I always felt a little bad for dogs in NYC--I mean, where do they run and play?! But these are all snapped in dog parks throughout the city and they look so happy!

April 5, 2010

Jessica Todd Harper

Beautiful photos to start the week, I'm in love.

Photos by Jessica Todd Harper

April 4, 2010


I had dinner last night with Becky, one of my good friends from work, and we got on the subject of Holidays. "Christmas!" she said. "I mean how much did that fly by..I can't even remember Christmas, it came and went". I agreed, sadly enough. She said that she started realizing this year, being on her own in a new city, that holidays don't have as much weight when your not surrounded by your family and they begin to mean less. For me, this is a sad reality but its true.

Today, its Easter and I sit in Jen's apartment with a bowl of shredded wheat and an english muffin for one. I can imagine my family, at home, putting together something delicious for breakfast and someone arguing about how they hate ham and can't/won't/under no circumstances eat it. I miss that. I want to be a part of that but at the same time, people start new traditions right? You grow up and you find your own 'family' and you do it your way? I feel like I'm in the in between of those two phases and part of me thinks that I'll always want to go 'home' for the holidays and thats okay too.

I mean how could you NOT want to go home and visit with this pup? He is clearly the most important member of my family.

April 3, 2010


I don't know if its Easter or Spring--but something makes me want to have fresh flowers around and tulips are my fav. Wouldn't you love to visit this tulip farm?
(via A Cup Of Jo via Abby try again)

Change of Scenery

It's a gorgeous day today and yesterday and oh boy--tomorrow! It's still going to be nice. I love that the clouds have gone away for a few days, although I don't love the little sunburn I got in the 30 minutes I sat outside yesterday but I'll take it. I won't complain, this weather is wonderful.

I mentioned in my last post that I'd be spending some time at my friend Jen's apartment for a few days, taking care of her cat and her mini garden (all of which are still alive after 4 days of being here!). But, what I failed to mention and what I didn't even know when I wrote that post is how much I love her neighborhood.

I've had the opportunity to walk up and down these streets of her neighborhood in Brooklyn, pop in and out of little shops and am currently lounging on her deck basking in the sun with a nice little ice coffee in hand from a cafe down the street. I mean, does this not sound perfect to you?

It's strange how neighborhoods can reflect your personality or the lifestyle you want/wish you lived. I didn't know much about NYC before I moved here. I knew that it was expensive and I knew that I didn't want to spend my whole paycheck on rent. So, I moved to Queens. Don't get me wrong, I love Astoria too--great little neighborhood and a perfect park near by. But, I just went with it. I didn't explore many other neighborhoods but for some reason when I came to Jen's I realized that it is possible to live in a place that actually ENHANCES who you are. I never thought about it much before but the place where you live has the possibility to help you grow and get closer to the person you want to be. Who knew?

Even if I don't move here, or anywhere near here, I am glad I know that there is a little bit of NYC that fits me because for anyone that has lived here, they know that this city is big and in order to make it your home you must carve it out and make your own little family of people, places and things that are yours. And I know I can come down here and stroll around (and don't think I won't come back and sit on this pretty deck and catch some sun with Jen) and I will.
